Announcing the results of 3MT 2020

Firstly, We want to send thank you to all the Judges, Finalists of the 3MT, MC of the event and the audience for being a part of the event and making it a successful one.

The winner of the 3MT competition is Adam Sprott - won $1500, and he will represent UofR in the Western Regional 3MT® competition.

Second Place: Vanessa Peynenburg - $1000

Third Place: Larissa Shasko - $700

The winner of the People's Choice Award is Soumya Shukla - $500

In case you missed, The video of the event is uploaded on the URGSA Facebook page you can watch it anytime through this link:

The GSA will announce new upcoming events shortly, so keep an eye on the Facebook page ( and the URGSA webpage ( for more news about the events stay tuned.